Friday, May 17, 2013

My Art And Latest Lesson

The life of an artist is a continuous journey, the path long and never ending.  - Justin Beckett   

The thing I love about my art is that with every piece I create I learn something new; I love the journey.

I have not had the opportunity of meeting this sweet little bunny in person, but drew him from a photograph. I was taken in by Bentley's beauty and the sweetness of his cute little bunny face. 

It was very important to me when drawing him that I captured Bentley's best qualities; his speckled and peppery contrasting white and dark gray hairs, long whiskers and big beautiful ears which resembles elegant drapery.
Bentley's photo
I worked hard, paying attention to details, but found I could not get the whites white enough and the whiskers thin enough. I knew what I needed for Bentley right away, a special kind of eraser; but I didn't know what or where to find it. 

I needed  an eraser that could erase thoroughly, one that could create the thinnest of lines. I  tried twisting my kneaded eraser into a point, but I could not apply enough pressure without it bending. I tried whittling erasers into points; that got close, but did not get the look I really wanted.

Frustrated, I took a moment to think; then I did what I always do when I don't know the answer to something---I Googled it. After a couple of attempts, I put the word eraser into the search engine and voila up popped "erasers electric by Amazon." Within in minutes the Staedtler Battery Operated Eraser was ordered and on its way to me. 
Staedtler Batter Operated Eraser

I found this electric eraser was excellent, especially great for the smallest of details.  This eraser is battery operated and spins around in rapid rotations. The sound is reminiscent of a dental drill (had to get used to that). I was able to make the flat tipped surface of the eraser into a fine point by spinning the erasers edges on a rough surface. This technique worked great, especially for Bentley's whiskers.

 My electric eraser is the best thing that's happened to my art. I don't know how I got by without it all of these years. 

Warning: other people in your house are going to want to use your electric eraser. They may even try to steal it when your back is turned. My son Connor does this all the time. Luckily, I just follow the sound of the drill (Bzzzzzzz).

I love my Staedtler but there are many more on the market. Here is video which reviews a wide assortment of electric erasers, enjoy!

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1 comment:

  1. Aww Cathy this was the best description I've ever heard of my boy Bentley. You did a fantastic job capturing him and his beauty. One thing always leads to another and I'm glad Bentley helped you find that amazing eraser for his cute little whiskers. Thank You so much for your wonderful talent!

