Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Listen To Your Heart

Angels  Listen to you heart and let the angels speak to you.  

 Angels are non-denominational, no matter what faith there is nothing to big or small for your angels to help you with, you just need to ask.

You can say I was guided and inspired to paint my series of three Angels: The Angel Of Water, The Angel of Sunrise and The Angel Of Sunset.   Life suddenly changed when my boys who lived with me in New Jersey decided to visit their dad who lived in California for a week. Knowing my children were half way across the country made an ordinary situation like being home alone take on whole different feeling. Usually I would look forward to a little time alone but this time everything seemed new and unfamiliar. I was lonely in my solitude wandering from room to room a little dazed, not knowing what to do.

This experience has taught me that being alone can be a valuable experience and become a powerful aspect of your life if it is approached in the right way. That week I learned a lot about myself. In times such as these we all are invited to listen to our inner voice; whether we accept that invitation is up to us. We can either drown out the voices with noise from various activities and TV or we can face the music we are internalizing.

My internal voice led me to picking up a paint brush which I hadn't picked up in years. Turning on the beautiful music of Enya and painting.  At first I had nothing in mind, I was as blank as the canvas. I just allowed myself to be led by the music and perhaps the angels whispering in my ear.

I wet my watercolor paper under the faucet to get a watery affect, then sprayed different water color inks on the paper. I watched as the ink intermingled with the water and bled into each other. I blew on the paint with a straw forming abstract shapes. I tilted the paper from side to side until the colors merged and formed a resemblance of what looked remarkably to me like an Angel and a waterfall. Inspired by this vision, I painted on through the day and made this resemblance a reality. Thus, The Angel of Water was created.

 Truly inspired, I did the same with my other two Angels the Sunrise and Sunset Angels.

I never thought I would part with them, they have given me great pleasure and have blessed my home for some time now, but the angels whisperings are telling me it's time to pass on the blessings.

I am selling these very special Angels (even though they are hard to part with) spreading their blessings and hoping they bless someone else's home as they did mine.

These are watercolors painted with water color ink and gauche watercolor, 18 x 24   $187.00 EACH - SPECIAL DISCOUNTED RATE $500.00 IF YOU PURCHASE ALL THREE.

Friday, May 24, 2013

What's More Important - Determination Or Talent?

“The greater part of human pain is unnecessary. It is self-created as long as the unobserved mind runs your life.” ~Eckhart Tolle

What does it take to become a success---determination or talent?

I believe both talent and determination go together, but without strong determination we may never know true success.

How did Michelangelo paint the Sistine Chapel?

He definitely had the talent but without his fearless determination would he get on those scaffolds every day?

Just like Michelangelo, we have scaffolds (fears to overcome) we need to deal with on the road to success. They may not be scaffolds in the literal sense;  but  can be every bit as scary.

Don't worry this is not a self-help lecture, because I am not one to lecture on what I have not conquered yet. 

But I am determined to face the fears that bind me; how about you?
Here's my plan, if you would like to join me.

  • First, write down the top fear I believe may be blocking my road to true success. 
  • Next, write down how I plan on overcoming it. 

For example;  I believe if you're  afraid of swimming, it makes sense to wade in the shallow waters first before jumping into the ocean. It's not that we won't succeed by jumping into the ocean first, it's because we don't believe we can succeed that way.

If we don't believe it we can't achieve it. 

Our first step in overcoming our fears should be a  stretch beyond our comfort zone, but something our mind still feels is achievable. 

My fear of public speaking is a definite roadblock for me, maybe I'll start off talking to small groups of  5 or 10 people.  As my courage and confidence increases so will the amount of people. 

Once we become determined to become a success, nothing can stop us.  Now we are ready to let the world see our brilliance.

Please go to my Creative Touch Art Facebook fanpage I frequently have coupons and prizes.

You can also find my art work in my Etsy shop.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

One Easy Trick Can Make All Things Possible 

Lately my sales have improved.

Would you like to know what I have been doing different?


Is it just a coincidence my sales have increased, or has visualization made the difference?

I believe it's visualization.

Visualization changes the way you think, which in turn changes your expectations. Once you believe in yourself, others do. 

Think of your conscious mind as a computer that needs to be rebooted periodically ( shut it down and turn it back on).

We can successfully reboot and reformat our conscious mind through visualization. Visualization can be compared to a movie that we write, direct and act in. Since we are the creators of this movie, why not make it a block-buster?

Visualization can be done through meditation with your eyes closed and with your eyes open. It can take five minutes or an hour, it all depends on you and your mood. But, the most important thing is to do it and do it often.

The open eye method works best for me.  I do the open eye method when I am on automatic pilot and doing a task oriented job. Some examples are: washing the dishes, laundry or walking my dog.

Since your conscious thinking mind is usually ready for a break and not fully needed for these tasks, meditating (day dreaming) during these times, will give you full access to your subconscious mind. 

If you can change your subconscious mind your conscious mind will believe it is true and this can be life changing.  

How and what do you visualize?

Visualize what you want the most, play the movie in which you are the star. Feel the emotions, experience your visualization through your senses. For instance, if you are on a beach hear the waves and seagulls, feel the warm sand under your toes, the sun on your face. Taste the salt water in the air and see the expansive turquoise ocean and blue sky. 

Have fun with your mediation, get your pulse up feel the excitement as if you are really experiencing it. 

If you want to be successful with you art, or any business, imagine yourself already successful. Look around and see your admiring fans, smell and taste the champagne, and hear the clink of the glasses as they toast to your new success; now hear the applause---it is just for you. 

This may take time to master but the outcome is well worth it.

Please visit me on my Facebook Fanpage, I often have coupons and prizes. Also come visit my Etsy shop and have a look around.

I would love any questions, comments or experiences pertaining to meditation and how it has helped you.

Monday, May 20, 2013


The business of making money, it's a funny thing.

I remember before the internet was big, before I had my children, I started an art business. Back then I didn't have to know how to write a blog (I do love blogging, though) or the ins and outs of Face book, Twitter,  Pinterest, Linkedin.

Back in the old days I just painted a picture, drew a portrait, and, voila, I had business. Word of mouth was all that I relied on and the money was flowing in. How did this kind of offhanded marketing become successful? I was out more. I had a job and I met people the old fashioned way.

Now, I find I'm home all the time, sitting behind my computer blogging,  networking  and learning. This virtual world is filled with so much information it sometimes makes my head spin.

My friend Jen recently coaxed me away from my computer for a walk. It was a beautiful day and I almost missed it.  Jen set me straight; she told me to go out and get a life, get away from the computer, meet people and not be so bogged down with the whole internet thing. 

She had a point. I can tell you from my experience the first time I had an art business was much easier then today. 

What's different?

I forgot there was a real world out there.  I'm not saying the internet is bad, just that it has its place.

So look out world, here I come.

Friday, May 17, 2013

My Art And Latest Lesson

The life of an artist is a continuous journey, the path long and never ending.  - Justin Beckett   

The thing I love about my art is that with every piece I create I learn something new; I love the journey.

I have not had the opportunity of meeting this sweet little bunny in person, but drew him from a photograph. I was taken in by Bentley's beauty and the sweetness of his cute little bunny face. 

It was very important to me when drawing him that I captured Bentley's best qualities; his speckled and peppery contrasting white and dark gray hairs, long whiskers and big beautiful ears which resembles elegant drapery.
Bentley's photo
I worked hard, paying attention to details, but found I could not get the whites white enough and the whiskers thin enough. I knew what I needed for Bentley right away, a special kind of eraser; but I didn't know what or where to find it. 

I needed  an eraser that could erase thoroughly, one that could create the thinnest of lines. I  tried twisting my kneaded eraser into a point, but I could not apply enough pressure without it bending. I tried whittling erasers into points; that got close, but did not get the look I really wanted.

Frustrated, I took a moment to think; then I did what I always do when I don't know the answer to something---I Googled it. After a couple of attempts, I put the word eraser into the search engine and voila up popped "erasers electric by Amazon." Within in minutes the Staedtler Battery Operated Eraser was ordered and on its way to me. 
Staedtler Batter Operated Eraser

I found this electric eraser was excellent, especially great for the smallest of details.  This eraser is battery operated and spins around in rapid rotations. The sound is reminiscent of a dental drill (had to get used to that). I was able to make the flat tipped surface of the eraser into a fine point by spinning the erasers edges on a rough surface. This technique worked great, especially for Bentley's whiskers.

 My electric eraser is the best thing that's happened to my art. I don't know how I got by without it all of these years. 

Warning: other people in your house are going to want to use your electric eraser. They may even try to steal it when your back is turned. My son Connor does this all the time. Luckily, I just follow the sound of the drill (Bzzzzzzz).

I love my Staedtler but there are many more on the market. Here is video which reviews a wide assortment of electric erasers, enjoy!

Please go to my Facebook Fanpage, give me a like and help yourself to a 20% off coupon. Right now I am having a free give-away! Join for your chance to win a 100% FREE custom portrait!

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Angel of Glory Has A Message Just For You!

Glory Angel - Watercolor

If you don't believe in angels, that's okay, this paintings message is for you too.. 

Angels are our teachers, guides and healers. 

I love the lyrics to "Your Guardian Angel" by The Red Jumpsuite Apparatus:

"I will never let you fall, I'll stand up with you foreverI'll be there for you through it allEven if saving you sends me to Heaven"

Angels are not often noticed; maybe even taken for granted. 

Angels care deeply and love us unconditionally.

These spirtual protectors don't necessarily have to have a halo and wings, or live in a spiritual realm where we can't see them or contact with them. There are many angels on earth, physical beings walking around, that we are in contact with every day 

Who are these angels?

Perhaps your mother, father, sister, brother, lover, or maybe a stranger who has done and incredible unselfish act of kindness. These "Earth Angels" need to be shown love and gratitude; after all they love us unconditionally. 

What I had in mind when painting this picture, is how angels protect us, love us, guide us and care for us whether they are in heaven or on earth. 

This painting serves two purposes: it is a reminder to appreciate the angels in our lives, and also reminds us that we can be angels in other peoples lives as well.

My wish and intentions when painting the Glory Angel is that it brings protection, love and joy wherever it goes.

If you like this painting, it's for sale in my shop Creative Touch Art.

If you visit my Facebook fanpage frequently or like me you will get updates for coupons and contests and free prizes!

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

The Inner Dialogue Of An Artist (ME)

I am finding out that there is more to being a successful artist than to simply create art.

"Build it they will come" or the "starving artist?" Which is truer?

There is only so much macaroni and beans we artists can feed our family, and only so many deals we can make with the electric company before they shut down our electricity; so I want to get it right.

Thomas Edison said, "Genius is one percent inspiration and 99 percent perspiration." It just doesn't resonate with me. I have known many hard workers, who gave their blood, sweat, and tears. They got by, but that was about all.

So what's the deal with that? Were they putting their energies in the wrong places? After all, it stands to reason that working hard doesn't produce wealth if you are working on the wrong things.

On the other hand, simply having a talent and the inspiration isn't all that is needed for an artist or anyone to be successful.

So I started thinking about the Pareto principle (the 80/20 Rule) which says that 80% of outcome can be attributed to 20% of the causes for a given event.

  • The majority of profit comes from a minority of sales.
  • The majority of work is performed by a minority of employees.
  • The majority of consumer complaints come from a minority of the total customer base.

How can I  apply the 80/20 Rule to make the most of our time, money and effort? 

Maybe I should read The 4-Hour Workweek by Timothy Ferris; he seems to have the answers.  But I can't help wondering, what does Tim Ferris consider work?  It seems his work is his pleasure. If you were to ask me if I work long hours I would tell you no. Drawing and painting don't work for me, just fun and meditative.

This leads me to the conclusion that we must do what we love before the money will follow. Of course, this is hard for many of us to accept, even if we know it is true. Society has taught us that hard work and perseverance is the only way to success. That's why we have a chain of restaurants called Thank God It's Friday (TGIF) and why Wednesday is considered hump day, just two more days until the weekend.

The bottom line may be that we need to get over our fears, and go for it, do what we love 80 percent of the time. Market ourselves 20 percent of the time.

What we need is to focus on the tasks that will only contribute to the majority of our benefit and success. Get the real result-producing tasks done first. 

Okay, I get all that, but here's the burning question: How do we define and execute the perfect 80/20 plan? What are the time wasters, and what are the time consumers to avoid?

What exactly needs to be done to define our dream and reach the goal of being successful, by our standards?

This is the stuff I'm thinking about and the answers I am looking for.

Anyone have some?

I am in pursuit of this subject and will be reading The 4-Hour Workweek to see if Tim really has the answers. 

In the meantime, I am anxious to hear what you have to say and if anyone can shed some light on this subject.

Visit Me

Please visit me on my Facebook Page. A like is always appreciated.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013


By: Creative Touch Art
By: Creative  Touch 

I'm bursting with good news and can't wait to tell you!

I am launching my new business, Creative Touch Art. To celebrate my grand opening I am giving away one free single custom hand drawn portrait of either a person or a pet.

The winner will receive a professional quality portrait drawn on grade fine bristol drawing paper from a photo of their choice. 

I have always had a hard time parting with my art because every piece I create is a true labor of love. When you receive one of my drawings or paintings you are getting not just a piece of art to hang on your wall, but a piece of my soul. 

My art will bring more warmth, love and happiness into your home because that is what I am feeling and my personal wish for you when creating it.

Please go to my Facebook Fanpage now and enter for a chance to win your own custom portrait. Just click the green tab at the right and enter your name and email.

I wish you luck!

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Funny Memories Of My Beautiful Mother

Funny Memories Of My Beautiful Mother

Love, kisses, understanding, friendship and honesty come to mind when I think of my mother.  Although it is 6 years since her passing, the memories I have of her are still clear and vibrant. I thank God for my memories of her and all our good times.  Memories of long walks, coffee talk, lunches, love and laughter were shared over the years, and time can never take these memories away from me.  

I have been told my whole life that I look just like my mom, for which I am grateful. She was a beautiful woman inside and out and became more beautiful with each passing year. I inherited many things from my mom, one of them being her silliness. Silliness ran in my mom's family. Her whole family was afflicted with the sillies. When she and her sisters got together their stories of silly things they each did in the past would pour out. Like the time my Aunt Ro drove through the carwash with her window open.  They laughed so hard that by the end of the evening the laughter would turn into tears; laughing and crying, the kleenexes always came out. They were known for that. 

When my mom and I got together there was always some form of silliness that ensued when my sister was thrown into the mix; well anything could happen.

One of my favorite silly moments was the time my mom and sister visited me at my  home. When they arrived I was thrilled to see garbage bags my sister had  filled with baby clothes, since it was my turn to have a baby. We placed the bags in the kitchen and sat down for some coffee.  It wasn't long before we started smelling some terrible stench. "What's that smell?" my mother asked. "Cathy Ann (the name she used when making a point) what is that smell?" She began walking around, nose in the air, sniffing. She decided it was the refrigerator. "When was the last time you cleaned out this refrigerator?" she asked. It didn't take long before the refrigerator was thoroughly cleaned.  Satisfied with a job well done, my mother shut the refrigerator door, but the unpleasant odor was still there. 

We began searching for the  offending odor when my nose led me to the direction of one of the garbage bags. I gasped as I opened it, "Why did you bring me actual garbage in this garbage bag?" "What?" my sister and mother asked in unison, as their jaws dropped. 

How did this happen? My mother and sister traced it back to the curb of my mother's house. Th garbage bags filled of baby clothes were placed on the curb before loading them into the car. Evidently the neighbors garbage bag which was filled with their dogs excrement and garbage was also on the curb. They absent-mindedly put the neighbors bag of garbage and dog excrement in the car.  My sister and mother later admitted that they smelled something foul in the car, and thought each other was farting but didn't want to accuse the other. :O)

This led to uncontrollable laughter and a story that lasted a life-time. 

I miss my mother's silliness, laughter, smile, kindness, and most of all her love.

I love you mom and think of you not only on Mother's Day but every day and will never stop. xo



The sunflowers most distiguishing feature is a phenomenom called heIiotropism. This means that the beautiful flowering heads of this plant will follow the sun's movements and change their orientation from east to west during the day. 

The Sunflower's Symbolism

The sunflower is the Greek symbol of Clytie, a water nymph. Clytie transforms into a beautiful sunflower after the loss of her true love Apollo. Since the sunflower always follows the sun, Cytie searches tirelessly for Apollo's chariot to be united with her love once again.

A Perscription For Happiness

Did you know the beautiful, unfurling and graceful petals of the sunflower, which reflect  the beauty of the sun's rays is a prescription for happiness? 

Researchers at the  University of Essex found that staring at it's bright golden color for just 5 minutes will do much more than just make you happy: it will boost your brain power as well.

According to the online news, The Sun,  volunteers exposed to only 5 minutes of sunny shades, improved their hand-eye cordination by 20 percent, physical strength by 9 percent and scored 25% higher in mental agility tests than volunteers who were exposed to dull grays for 5 minutes.

So next time you're feeling blue, stressed out or just plain tired reach for a dose of color.

What We Can Learn From The Sunflower

Sunflowers alway look towards the sun. When you look toward the sun you will naturally view life more positively. Instead of being swallowed by the shadows, by seeking valuable lessons and silver linings with every obstacle that comes our way, we create positivity and happiness.

My hope is that my painting of  " Glorious Golden Sunflowers" will remind you to keep facing the sun.

For optimists are always happier, healthier and in charge of their world.

"Keep your face to the sunshine and you cannot see the shadow. It's what sunflowers do." - Helen Keller

Friday, May 10, 2013

Flower Watercolor Painting: A Unique Gift For Any Occasion

Flower Watercolor Painting: A Unique Gift For Any Occasion - 29x23 Double Matted Beautiful Frame


Flowers speak the language of love. 

Every home deserves a vase of elegant curvaceous flowers, bursting with color; a reminder of love's magical moments. 

What better way to celebrate Mother's day, birthdays, anniversaries, Valentines day or any occasion, with an everlasting painting of flowers.

These flowers will always be as fresh as the day you bought them

This gift will not only be a constant reminder of love and romance for years to come, but is also a symbol of her: elegance and grace, your enduring, unchanging and everlasting love and the purity of your union. 

How about that guys, you even have the perfect message to write in her card; for free!

Tulip - symbolizes elegance and grace
Grape-Hyacinth - symbolizes endurance and unchanging love
Hibiscus - represents immortality of love
Lilly - purity of union 

This is a gauche watercolor, double matted and beautifully framed 29"x23"